Publications 2009-2015

Publications 2009-2015

Publications 2015

van Abswoude, F., Santos-Vieira, B., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). The influence of errors during practice on motor learning in young individuals with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45-46, 353-364. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.08.008

Van der Burg, J., Schuengel, C. & Vonk, J. Sociaal-emotioneel functioneren. In: Hadders-Algra, Maathuis, Pangalila, Becher & De Moor (Eds). Kinderrevalidatie (Hoofdstuk 13). Assen: Van Gorcum, 2015, 231-243.

van Casteren, e.a. (2015). Heeft impliciet leren een plek in de gymles? Deel 1: Een classificatie van impliciete en expliciete leermethoden. Lichamelijke Opvoeding Magazine, 9, 46-49. 
(abstract, in Dutch)

van Casteren, E., van Abswoude, F., van der Kamp, J, & Steenbergen, B. (2015). Heeft impliciet leren een plek in de gymles? Deel 2: Impliciet en expliciet leren in het speciaal voortgezet onderwijs. Lichamelijk opvoeding magazine10, 40-43. 
(abstract, in Dutch) 

van Dinteren, R., Arns, M., Kenemans, L., Jongsma, M.L.A., Kessels, R.P.C., Fitzgerald, P., Fallahpour, K., Debattista, C., Gordon, E. & Williams, L.M. (2015) Utility of event-related potentials in predicting antidepressant treatment response: An iSPOT-D report. European Neuropsychopharmacology (in press),

Van Duijvenbode, N., De Vaan, G., Remmel, E., & Van Herwaarden, A. (2015). Verslag internationaal symposium ‘from client to participant: research in individuals with an intellectual disability’. Nederlands tijdschrift voor de zorg aan mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen. Berichten. 41 (3), 256-258.

Geerdink, Y., Aarts, P., van der Burg, J., Steenbergen, B., Geurts, A. (2015). Intensive upper limb intervention with self-management training is feasible and promising for older children and adolescents with unilateral cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 43-44, 97-105. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.06.013

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M, Peeters, A, Overvelde, A, Nijhuis-van der Sanden, MWG, Steenbergen, B. (2015). Learning of Writing Letter-like Sequences in Children with Physical and Multiple Disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities36, 150-161. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2014.10.005

Jongsma, M.L.A. (2015). Een academie van nomaden S & D: 72(4); 64-69.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Baas, C.M., Sangen, A.F.M., Aarts, P.B.M., van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). Children with unilateral cerebral palsy show diminished implicit motor imagery with the affected hand. Dev Med Child Neurol, 58(3), 277-84.. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12819 

Van Lieshout, E., de Jong, P., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). In: Hadders-Algra, Maathuis, Pangalila, Becher & De Moor (Eds). Kinderrevalidatie (Hoofdstuk 11). Assen: Van Gorcum, 2015, 197-212.

Salavati, M., Waninge, A., Rameckers, E.A.A., de Blécourt A.C.E., Krijnen, W.P., Steenbergen, B., & van der Schans, C. (2015). Reliability of the modified Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, Dutch version (PEDI-NL) for children with Cerebral Palsy and Cerebral Visual Impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities37, 189-201. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.11.018

Salavati, M. Krijnen, W.P., Rameckers, E.A.A., Looijestijn, P.L., Maathuis, C.G.B., van der Schans, C.P., Steenbergen, B. (2015). Reliability of the modified Gross Motor Function Measure-88 (GMFM-88) for children with both Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Cerebral Visual Impairment: A preliminary study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45-46, 32-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.07.013

Spruijt, S., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). Current Insights in the Development of Children’s Motor Imagery Ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:787.

Spruijt, S., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). The ability of 6- to 8-year-old children to use motor imagery in a goal-directed pointing task. Journal of Experimental Psychology139, 221-233. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.06.008

Spruijt, S., Jongsma, M., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen, B. (2015). Predictive Models to Determine Imagery Strategies Employed by Children to Judge Hand Laterality. Plos One, 10(5), e0126568. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126568

Steenbergen, B. (2015). Book review of ´Laat je hersenen niet zitten: Hoe lichaamsbeweging de hersenen jong houdt´(auteur: Scherder). Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 10, 153-154.
(click here for the  book review, in Dutch)

Steenbergen, B., Hilhorst, J., Steenbergen, J., Gelinck, R. & Boer, R. (2015). Valoriseren moet je organiseren! - Naar meer-waarde van kennis binnen de sociale wetenschappen. Samenwerking tussen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Kennispraktijk en Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen. For the pdf version (in Dutch), click here.

Theunissen, L. & Van der Burg, J. (2015). Leesonderwijs aan leerlingen die niet of nauwelijks spreken. (Veldpublicatie 4). LECSO, Utrecht.
(click here for the document (in Dutch)

De Vaan, G., Van Duijvenbode, N., Remmel, E., & Van Herwaarden, A. (2015). From client to participant: Doing research in individuals with an intellectual disability. Conference proceedings. The NADD Bulletin 18 (4), 72-75.


Publications 2014

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H., & Steenbergen B. (2014). Compromised motor control in children with DCD: A deficit in the internal model? - a systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 47, 225-244. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.08.011.

Blom, H., Marschark, M., Vervloed, M., & Knoors, H. (2014). Online vriendschappen: de relatie tussen online activiteiten en het welbevinden van dove en slechthorende jongeren. Van Horen Zeggen, 55, 10-18.

Blom H, Marschark M, Vervloed M.P.J., & Knoors H. (2014). Finding Friends Online: Online Activities by Deaf Students and Their Well-Being. PLoS ONE 9, 2: e88351. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088351 

Butson, M., Hyde, C., Steenbergen, B., & Williams, J. (2014). Assessing motor imagery using the hand rotation task: Does performance change across childhood? Human Movement Science, 35, 50-65. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2014.03.013

Chacón-López, H., Dolores López-Justicia, M., & Vervloed, M.P.J. (2014). Psychological and educational recommendations for working with young people with Retinitis Pigmentosa. School Psychology International. 35, 357-369. doi: 10.1177/0143034313476398.

Delsing, C.P.A., Erasmus, C., van der Burg, J., van Hulst, K., Jongerius, P.H., & van den Hoogen, F.J.A. (2014). De behandeling van kwijlen bij kinderen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 158 (0), A7695.

Ekkel, M.R., Van Lier, R., Steenbergen, B. (2014). 70 jaar onderzoek naar echolokalisatie: welke lessen zijn er te leren voor de praktijk? Neuropraxis, 18(5), 162-172.

Geerdink, R., Lindeboom, G., de Wolf, B.,Steenbergen, A.C.H. Geurts, P. Aarts (2014). Assessment of upper limb capacity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: construct validity of a Rasch-reduced Modified House Classification. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56(6), 580-586. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12395

Molina, M., Kudlinski, C., Guilbert, J., Spruijt, S.,Steenbergen, B., & Jouen, F. (2014). Motor imagery for walking: A comparison between cerebral palsy adolescents with hemiplegia and diplegia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 37C, 95-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.10.053.

Noten, M., Wilson, P., Ruddock, S. & Steenbergen, B. (2014). Mild impairments of motor imagery skills in children with DCD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(5), 1152-1159. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.01.026

Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Steenbergen, B., Piek, J.P., Wilson, P.H. (2014). Deficits of hot executive function in developmental coordination disorder: Sensitivity to positive social cues. Human Movement Science, 38, 209-224.

Rahimi-Golkhandan, S., Steenbergen, B., Piek, J. P., & Wilson, P. H. (2014). Hot executive function in children with developmental coordination disorder: Evidence for heightened sensitivity to immediate reward. Cognitive Development, 32, 23-37DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2014.06.002

Salavati, M., Rameckers, E.A.A., Steenbergen, B. & van der Schans, C. (2014). Gross motor function, functional skills and caregiver assistance in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) with and without cerebral visual impairment (CVI), European Journal of Physical Therapy 16 (3), 159–167. DOI:10.3109/21679169.2014.899392

Steenbergen, B. (2014). Movement quality: Is beauty only in the eyes of the beholder? (Invited commentary). Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56(8), 709-710DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12429

Steenbergen, B. & van der Burg, J. (2014). Handen uit de mouwen: Orthopedagogiek binnen de kinderrevalidatie (pp. 147-157). In: Orthopedagogiek: State of the Art (Goudena, de Groot, & Janssens, eds.). Antwerpen-Apeldoorn; Garant uitgevers.

Van der Burg, J., Theunissen, L., Rommens, A., & Sanders, K. (2014). Niet kunnen spreken, wel leren lezen: een pilot onderzoek naar de Non-verbal Reading Approach. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 53, 3, 130-148.

van Dinteren, R., Arns, M., Jongsma, M.L.A. & Kessels, R.P.C (2014). P300 
Development across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLOS one, 2. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087347.

van Dinteren, R., Arns, M., Jongsma M.L.A. & Kessels, R.P.C. (2014). Combined frontal and parietal P300 amplitudes indicate compensated cognitive processing across the lifespan. Front. Aging Neurosci., 6, 1-9.

Van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., Smits, D-W., Ketelaar, M., Becher, J.G., & Steenbergen, B. (2014). Cognitive precursors of arithmetic development in primary school children with cerebral palsy.Research in Developmental Disabilities 35, 826-832doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.01.016

Vervloed, M.P.J., Loijens, N.E.A. & Waller, S.E. (2014). Teaching children with visual impairments the meaning of words. Journal of Visual impairment and Blindness, 108, 5, 433-438.

Zielinski, I.M., Jongsma M.L.A., Baas, C.M., Aarts, P.B.M. & Steenbergen B. (2014). Unravelling developmental disregard in children with unilateral cerebral pasly by measuring event-related potentials during a simple and complex task. BMC Neurology, 14 (6). doi:10.1186/1471-2377-14-6

Zielinski, I.M., Steenbergen, B., Baas, M.C., Aarts, P.B.M., & Jongsma, M. (2014). Neglect-like characteristics of developmental disregard in children with cerebral palsy revealed by event related potentials. BMC Neurology, 14, 221.  doi:10.1186/s12883-014-0221-0

Publications 2013

Gordon, A.M., Bleyenheuft, Y., & Steenbergen, B. (2013). Pathophysiology of impaired hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 55(4): 32-37.

Hazenberg, S.J., Jongsma, M.L.A., Koning, A., van Lier, R (2013). Differential familiarity effects in amodal completion: support from behavioral and electrophysiological measurements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (ahead of print)

ter Horst, A., van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. (2013). Mental rotation strategies reflected in event-related (de)synchronization of alpha and mu power. Psychophysiology,50(9): 858-63.

Houwink, A., Geerdink, Y., Steenbergen, B., Geurts, A., & Aarts, P (2013). Assessment of upper-limb capacity, performance, and developmental disregard in children with cerebral palsy: validity and reliability of the revised VOAA-DDD. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(1), 76-82.

Houwink, A., Steenbergen, B., Buurke, J., Pranke, G., & Geurts, A.C.H. (2013) Upper-limb motor control in patients after stroke: Attentional demands and the potential beneficial effects of gravity support. Human Movement Science, 32(2), 377-87.

Houwink, A., Steenbergen, B., Buurke, J., Pranke, G., & Geurts, A.C.H. (2013) Upper-limb motor control in patients after stroke: Attentional demands and the potential beneficial effects of arm support. Human Movement Science, 32(2), 377-87.

Janssen, L., Steenbergen, B., & Carson, R.G. (2013). Anticipatory planning reveals segmentation of cortical motor output during action observation. Cerebral Cortex (ahead of print). PMID: 23960201

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G., Saraber-Schiphorst, N., Craje, C., & Steenbergen, B (2013). Anticipatory action planning increases from three to ten years of age in typically developing children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,114(2), 295-305.

Jongbloed-Pereboom M, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MW, Steenbergen B (2013). Norm scores of the box and block test for children ages 3-10 years. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(3), 312-318. (abstract)\\\\

Jongsma, M.L., van Rijn, C.M., Gerrits, N.J., Eichele, T., Steenbergen, B., Maes, J.H., Quian Quiroga (2013). The learning-oddball paradigm: data of 24 separate individuals illustrate its poential usefulness as a new clinical tool. Clin Neurophysiol, 124(3), 514 - 521.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., Okely, J., Baas, C.M., van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Steenbergen, B. (2013). Effects of hand orientation on motor imagery - Event related potentials suggest kinesthetic motor imagery to solve the hand laterality judgment task. PLOS ONE 8(9).

Spruijt, S., Jouen, F., Molina, M., Kudlinski, C. Guilbert, J., & Steenbergen, B (2013). Assessment of motor imagery in cerebral palsy via mental chronometry: The case of walking. Research in Developmental Disabilities (34), 4154-4160.

Steenbergen, B. Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Spruijt, S., & Gordon, A.M (2013). Impaired motor planning and motor imagery in children with cerebral palsy: Challenges for the future of pediatric rehabilitation. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(4), 43-46.

De Vaan, G., Vervloed, M.P.J., Knoors, H. and Verhoeven, L. (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorders in People with Sensory and Intellectual Disabilities Symptom Overlap and Differentiating Characteristics, Recent Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume I, Prof. Michael Fitzgerald (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1021-7, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/53714

Van der Burg, J., Jansen, M., Spierts, N., Hendriksen, J., & De
Moor, J. (2013). Psychosociale aanpassing cluster-3 leerlingen in regulier onderwijs. Psychosociale aanpassing van leerlingen met lichamelijke beperking of chronische ziekte in het regulier basisonderwijs en de ondersteuningsbehoefte van de leraar. (Veldpublicatie 3). LECSO, Utrecht.

Van der Burg, J., Aarts, P., & Steenbergen, B. (2013). So you wanna be a popstar: van Handig2Handig naar Handig2HandigZelfstandig. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Revalidatiegeneeskunde, 3, 125-126.

de Vries, M., Wilder-Smith, O.H.G., Jongsma, M.L.A., van den Broeke, E.N., Arns, M., van Goor, H., van Rijn, C.M. (2013). Altered resting state EEG in chronic pancreatitis patients: towards a marker for chronic pain. Journal of Pain Research, 25(6), 815-824.

Waninge, A., van der Putten, A., Stewart, R., Steenbergen, B., van Wijck, R., & van der Schans, C. (2013). Heart Rate and Physical Activity Patterns in Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 27(11): 3150-8.

Publications 2012

Houwink, A., Geerdink, Y., Steenbergen, B., Geurts, A., & Aarts, P. Assessment of upper-limb capacity, performance, and developmental disregard in children with cerebral palsy: validity and reliability of the revised VOAA-DDD. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(1), 76-82.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G., Saraber-Schiphorst, N., Craje, C., & Steenbergen, B (2013). Anticipatory action planning increases from three to ten years of age in typically developing children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 114(2), 295-305.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Janssen, A., Steenbergen, B., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M (2012). Motor learning and working memory in children born preterm: a systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 36(4), 1314-1330

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G., & Steenbergen, B. The Box and Block Test: norm scores, validity, test-retest reliability, and inter-rater reliability for Dutch children aged 3-10 years. American Journal of Occupational Therapy (in press).

Jongsma, M.L.A., Gerrits, N.J.H.M., van Rijn, C.M., Quian Quiroga, R., & Maes, R. (2012) Event related potentials to digit learning: Tracking neurophysiologic changes accompanying recall performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85(1), 41-48.

Jongsma, M.L.A., van Rijn, C.M., Gerrits, N.J.H.A.M., Eichele, T., Steenbergen, B., Maes, J.H.R. 
& Quian Quiroga, R. (2012). The learning oddball paradigm: data of 24 
separate individuals illustrate its potential usefulness as a new clinical 
tool. Clinical Neurophysiology (ahead of print).

Pijnacker, J., Vervloed, M.J., Steenbergen, B (2012). Pragmatic abilities in children with congenital visual impairment: an exploration of non-literal language and advanced theory of mind understanding. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(11), 2440-2449.

Pijnacker, J., Verstraten, P., Vandermeulen, J., Van Damme, W., Steenbergen, B. (2012). Effectieve leestrainingen voor ouderen met maculadegeneratie 1. Neuropraxis, 16(3), 96-101.

Ter Horst, A.C., Cole, J., Van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. (2012). The Effect of Chronic Deafferentation on Mental Imagery: A Case Study. PLoS ONE, 7(8), e42742.

Ter Horst, A.C., Jongsma, M.L.A., Jansen, L.K., van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. (2012). Different Mental Rotation Strategies reflected in the Rotation Related Negativity. Psychophysiology, 49(4), 566-573.

Van der Burg, J, Sour, R., Vossen I., & De Moor, J. (2012). Beschikbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van diagnostische instrumenten en begeleidingsmethoden voor het sociaal-emotioneel functioneren van kinderen in Cluster-3 scholen en revalidatie-instellingen. LECSO Veldpublicatie 1 (in press).

Van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Buitenweg, J.R., Herzog, M., Gerdes, B., & Jongsma, M.L.A. (2012). Focused attention does not eliminate exogenous orienting effects induced by electrocutaneous epidermal nociceptive stimuli. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(5), 947-959.

Van Hulst, K., Lindeboom, R., Van der Burg, J., & Jongerius, P (2012). Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54(12), 1121-1126.

Van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., Smits, D.W., Ketelaar, M., Becher, J.G., & Steenbergen, B. (2012). Arithmetic performance of children with cerebral palsy: The influence of cognitive and motor factors. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), 530-537.

Publications 2011 

Aarts, P. B., Van Hartingsveldt, M., Anderson, P.G., Van den Tillaar, I., Van der Burg, J., & Geurts, A. C. (2011). The Pirate Group Intervention Protocol: Description and a Case Report of a Modified Constraintinduced Movement Therapy Combined with Bimanual Training for Young Children with Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Occupational Therapy International, 19(2), 76-82.

Deckers, S.R., de Moor, J.M., & van der Burg, J.J. (2011). Food preferences in young Dutch children and recommendations for feeding intervention in developmental disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(2), 630-635.

Folkvord, F. & Steenbergen, B (2011). Motivatie en spelplezier bij tennissers: Een vergelijking tussen elite, rolstoelelite en recreatieve spelers. Intrinsieke extrinsieke motivatie in sport. Sportpsychologie Bulletin, 22, 15-26.

Houwink, A., Geurts, A.C.H., Aarts, P.B.M., & Steenbergen, B. (2011). A neurocognitive perspective on developmental disregard in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities32(6): 2157-2163.

Janssen, L. & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Typical and atypical (cerebral palsy) development of unimanual and bimanual grasp planning. Research in Developmental Disabilities; 32(3): 963-971.

Janssen, L., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Behavioral evidence for left-hemisphere specialization of motor planning. Experimental Brain Research, 209, 65-72. 

Jongsma, M.L.A., Postma, S.E.A., Souren, P., Arns, M., Gordon, E., Vissers, K., Wilder-Smith, O., van Rijn, C.M., & van Goor, H. (2011). Neurodegenerative Properties of Chronic Pain: Cognitive Decline in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis. PLoS One; 6(8): e23363.

Pijnacker, J., Verstraten, P. van der Meulen, J., van Damme, W., & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Rehabilitation of reading in older adults with age-related macular degeneration: a review of effective training programs. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition; 18(6):708-732.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Motor preparation in unilateral Cerebral Palsy (Invited commentary). Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology

Ter Horst, A.C., van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Spatial Dependency of Action Simulation. Experimental Brain Research, 212, 635-644.

Van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., Smits, D.W., Ketelaar, M., Becher, J.G. & Steenbergen, B (2011). Arithmetic performance of children with cerebral palsy: The influence of cognitive and motor factors. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), 530-537.

Waninge, A., van Wijck, R., Steenbergen, B., & van der Schans, C.P. (2011). Feasibility and reliability of the modified Berg Balance Scale in persons with severe intellectual and visual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 292-301.

Publications 2010

Crajé, C., Aarts, P., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M., & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Action planning in typically and atypically developing children (unilateral cerebral palsy)? Research on Developmental Disabilities, 31(5), 1039-1046. 

Crajé, C., de Graaf, C., Geurts, A.C.H., Lem, F., & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Determining specificity of Motor Imagery training for upper limb improvement in chronic stroke: A training protocol and pilot results. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33, 359-362. 

Crajé, C., van Elk, M., Beeren, M., van Schie, H.T., Bekkering, H. & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Compromised motor planning and motor imagery in right hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Research on Developmental Disabilities, 33, 1313-1322. 

Janssen, L., Crajé, C., Weigelt, M., & Steenbergen B. (2010). Motor planning in bimanual object manipulation: Two plans for two hands? Motor Control, 14(2), 240-254. 

Steenbergen, B., van der Kamp, J., Verneau, M., Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., & Masters, R.S.W. (2010). Implicit and explicit learning: Applications from basic research to sports for individuals with impaired movement dynamics. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(18), 1509-1516. 

Ter Horst, A.C., van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Mental rotation task of hands: Differential influence number of rotational axes. Experimental Brain Research, 203(2), 347-354. 

van Elk, M., Crajé, C., Beeren, M.E.G.V., Steenbergen, B., van Schie, H.T., & Bekkering, H. (2010). Neural evidence for compromised motor imagery in right hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Frontiers in Movement Disorders, 1, 150. 

van Elk, M., Crajé, C., Beeren, M.E.G.V., Steenbergen, B., van Schie, H.T., & Bekkering, H. (2010). Neural evidence for impaired action selection in right hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Brain Research, 19,1349, 56- 67. 

van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Early numeracy in cerebral palsy: Review and future directions. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology¸53, 202-209. 


Publications 2009

Crajé, C., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen B. (2009). Visual information for action planning in left and right congenital hemiparesis. Brain Research, 1261, 54-64.

Janssen, L., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., Beuting, M., & Steenbergen B. (2009). Combined effects of planning and execution constraints on bimanual task performance. Experimental Brain Research, 92(1), 61-73.

Steenbergen, B., Crajé, C., Nilsen, D.M., & Gordon, A.M. (2009). Motor imagery training in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a potentially useful therapeutic tool for rehabilitation. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51, 690-696.

van der Burg, J.J., Didden, R., Engbers, N., Jongerius, P.H., & Rotteveel, J.J. (2009). Self-management treatment of drooling: a case series. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40(1), 106-119