Lezingen en congressen 2009-2015

Lectures and conferences 2009-2015


Lectures and conferences 2015

Steenbergen, B. Valoriseren van kennis: hoe kunnen we dat organiseren? Presentation at Hét Congres (special education), Hotel en Congrescentrum Papendal, Arnhem, November 27th 2015
(more information)

Steenbergen, B. Het werkgeheugen en de tast: ontwikkelingsaspecten. Presentatie op uitnodiging tijdens het najaarssymposium van de Vereniging voor Revalidatie bij Slechtziendheid. Hogeschool Utrecht, November 24th 2015.

Steenbergen, B. (2015). Valorisatie binnen het project 'Meedoen met Sport'. Lezing op uitnodiging voor Ronde tafel discussie Ministerie van VWS. Den Haag, November 13th 2015.

Aarts P. & Schnackers M., From effective play in the Pirate group to effectiveness of home-based bimanual training for young children with cerebral palsy. Keynote session at Games for Health Europe Conference, Utrecht, November 2nd 2015. (more information)

Nederlands Instituut Sport en Bewegen (NISB) and Radboud Universiteit (prof. B. Steenbergen). 'Valorisatie van onderzoek', een visie op valorisatie en gelegenheid tot discussie. Dag van het Sportonderzoek, Landstede Sportcentrum, Zwolle, October 29th 2015. (more information)

Jongsma, M. 'Disposable scientists', lecture at symposium 'Maximize your research impact', Tilburg University, October 20th 2015. (more information)

Jongsma, M. Lecture: Kinderrevalidatie en het flexibele brein, Publieksdag Hersenstichting, Beatrix Theater, Utrecht.  https://www.hersenstichting.nl/activiteiten/publieksdag/publieksdag-2015October 15th 2015.

Jongsma, M. EEG-based neuroimaging to map the cortices in unilateral Cerebral Palsy - towards tailor made intervention. Lezing bij BSI symposium: Promoting Participation - Towards tailor made therapy for children with Cerebral Palsy, Sint Maartenskliniek Nijmegen, October 15th 2015. 
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Legel, M., Steenbergen B., Aankondiging Storytelling Film symposium in Beeld en Geluid, Film in onderwijs, zorg en wetenschap, Hilversum, 14 October 2015. 

Jongsma, M. and Research Master Students. Pain experiment at Discovery festival NEMO – Amsterdam http://www.discoveryfestival.nl/September 25th 2015

Schnackers M. & Beckers L., Effectiveness of bimanual home-based training programs in young children with cerebral palsy and their parents: protocol for a randomized clinical trial.  Lecture at Symposium ‘Hand function in children with unilateral CP: aetiology, intensive bimanual therapy, future research’, Valkenburg, September 16th  2015.

Legel, M. Presentation, Communication Matters, http://www.communicationmatters.org.uk/page/conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 13-15 September 2015.

Ekkel, M.R., Van Lier, R., & Steenbergen, B. Posterpresentation: Learning echolocation in sighted people: Attention as a key factor. International Mobility Conference (IMC-15), Montréal, Canada. 6-9 July 2015

Presentations at the DCD conference, Toulouse, France, (http://ic-dcd.org/), 2-4 July 2015.
Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H., Steenbergen, B. - A critical test of the internal modeling deficit in children with DCD via motor imagery, action planning and online control tasks. (oral presentation)
Lust, J.M., Steenbergen. B. - Neural mechanisms supporting observational motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder - An EEG study. (oral presentation) 

Legel, M. - Presentation, Royal Anthropological Conferance, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4-5 June 2015.
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De Vaan, G., Vervloed, M.P.J, Knoors, H., & Verhoeven, L. OASID:  A New Instrument for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder in People with Multiple Disabilities. Presented at the annual conference of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), Louisville, KY, June 2015.

Presentations at the EACD conference, Kopenhagen, Denemark, (http://eacd2015.org/), 27-30 May 2015.
Steenbergen, B., Wilson, P. - Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Coordination Disorder: A common deficit in the motor prediction? (poster presentation)
Zielinski, I.M., Jongsma, M.L.A., Rudisch, J., Green, D., Aarts, P., Steenbergen, B. - Strategic use of mirror movements to control the affected hand in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy. (oral presentation)

Presentation at conference: De toekomst van het kinderrevalidatie-onderzoek in Nederland: Gedeeld eigenaarschap van problematiek tussen onderzoekers, zorgverleners en patiënten leidt tot de beste onderzoeksresultaten, georganiseerd door het Johanna KinderFonds, Groot Klimmendaal, Arnhem, May 22th 2015.
Aarts, P. 'De implementatie van de onderzoeksresultaten in de revalidatie van jonge kinderen met een unilaterale cerebrale parese' - oral presentation
Baas, C.M., Steenbergen, B., van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Aarts, P.B.M., van Capellen van Walsium, A.M., van Rijn, C.M., Jongsma, M.L.A. - 'Motorische planning van handbewegingen verloopt moelijker indien de cortico-spinale baan dunner is' - Poster presentation.
Jongsma, M.L.A., 'De toepassingsmogelijkheden van EEG diagnostiek voor het optimaliseren van revalidatieprogramma's: revalidatie op maat' - oral presentation
Legel, M.  - Poster/ workshop
Roubos, A., Jongsma, M.L.A., Baas, M., Aarts, P., Steenbergen, B., van Rijn T. - Somatosensorische evoked potentials bij baby's door tactiele stimulatie van de handen - Poster presentatie
Schnackers, M.L.A.P., Beckers, L.W.M.E, Steenbergen, B., Janssen-Potten, Y.J.M., Aarts, P.B.M., Rameckers, E.A.A., Van der Burg, J.J.W., De Groot, I.J.M., Smeets, R.J.E.M., Geurts, A.C.H. - Effectiveness of home-practice programs on bimanual performance of young children with cerebral palsy and stress of their parents - Poster presentation.
Rietveld, R.C.G., Baas, C.M., van der Lubbe, R.H.J., van Cappellen van Walsum, A.M., Priovoulous, N., Zielinski, I., Aarts, P., Steenbergen, B., van Rijn, C.M., Jongsman, M.L.A. - 'EEG als neuroimaging methode voor het bepalen van de motorische hersengebieden: een fMRI-EEG betrouwbaarheidsonderzoek. - Poster presentation.
Zielinski, I.M., Jongsma, M.L.A., Rudisch, J., Green, D., Aarts, P., Steenbergen, B. - 'Strategic use of Mirror Movements in unilateral Cerebral Palsy' - poster presentation.
(more information and overview of the posters and presentations)

Schnackers, M.L.A.P., Beckers, L.W.M.E, Steenbergen, B., Janssen-Potten, Y.J.M., Aarts, P.B.M., Rameckers, E.A.A., Van der Burg, J.J.W., De Groot, I.J.M., Smeets, R.J.E.M., Geurts, A.C.H. - Effectiveness of home-practice programs on bimanual performance of young children with cerebral palsy and stress of their parents - Poster presentation at 'Symposium inauguration Chair for Neurophysiological Evidences in Intensive Neurorehabilitation', Brussel, May 7th 2015.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M., Steenbergen, B. Implicit and explicit motor learning in typically developing children: effects of task, age and working memory. Platform presentation. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, May 1-4 2015.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Janssen, A., Steenbergen, B., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. Implicit and explicit motor learning in children born very preterm and typically developing children. Platform presentation. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, May 1-4 2015.

Spruijt, S. 'Wat hebben kinderen aan een groen schoolplein? - Bewijs vanuit de wetenschap'. Lecture at symposium 'Een schoolplein vol met groen? Gewoon doen!'. Groen Links Nijmegen, 29 april 2015 

Steenbergen, B. Presentation & pitch about 'Meedoen met Sport' op programmadag 'Onderzoeksprogramma Sport', Sportcomplex Merwestein, Nieuwegein, April 22th 2015.
(more information

Gommer, S., Stojanovic, I., Van Duijvenbode, N., & De Vaan, G.Tips and tricks in communicationPresented at the conference ‘From Client to Participant: Doing research in Individuals with an Intellectual Disability’, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, April 2015.

Steenbergen, B. De rol van het werkgeheugen voor de tast, presentation at symposium 'De tast belicht', Visio, Huizen, the Netherlands, March 25.
(more information)

Steenbergen, B., van Lier, R., Wallrafen, H., Hazenberg, S.J., Ekkel, M. Workshop 'Vorm en geluid', workshop at symposium 'De tast belicht', Visio, Huizen, the Netherlands, March 25 2015.
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van Casteren, E., van Abswoude, F. Handling differences - physical education teachers in Rotterdam. Themadag 'Lekker Fit', Rotterdam, March 18th
(report of this presentation

Marjolein Jongbloed-Pereboom. Implicit and explicit motor learning in children: effects of task, age, and working memory. Neurocognitive foundations of learning, Invited presentation, Huize Heyendael, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, March 11th 2015 .

Legel, M. Research Seminar, Dundee University, Scotland, January 15.
(more information)

Lectures and conferences 2014

Steenbergen, B. Bewegen en cognitie: twee zijden van dezelfde medaille? Presentation at symposium 'Motoriek in ontwikkeling: het belang van bewegen'. Bartiméus, Zeist, the Netherlands, 9-12-2014. For more information, click here.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G., & Steenbergen B. Shaping the Developing Brain:Prenatal through Early Childhood. Fifth Annual Aspen Brain Forum. Poster presentatie: Implicit and Explicit Learning of Writing Letter-like Sequences in Children and the Effect of Working Memory. New York, 11-13 November 2014.

Van der Burg, J. Handen uit de mouwen! Orthopedagogiek binnen de kinderrevalidatie. Presentatie op P-conges www.p-congres.nl/nl, Educatorium Theatron Utrecht, 08-11-2014.

Steenbergen, B. (2014). Action and cognition: Motor imagery....and more. Invited lecture on the Dutch-ACD, LEARN2MOVE Symposium. Utrecht, October 3rd 2014.

De Vaan, G., Vervloed, M.P.J., Knoors, H., & Verhoeven, L. Autisme Diagnosticeren bij Meervoudig Gehandicapten. Presented at netwerkdag en kennisdeeldag autisme, Koninklijke Visio, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, October 2014.

Legel. M., Film as an assistive tool in Storytelling in both the Class-room and Daily Life, 2 hour workshop, ISAAC congres 2014, Lissabon, Portugal (www.isaac-online.org/english/conference-2014), 20-27 July 2014

De Vaan, G., Vervloed, M.P.J., Knoors, H., & Verhoeven, L. Diagnosing autism in people with multiple disabilities: Introducing a new instrument. Presented at the 4th IASSID Europe Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.

Presentations on the EACD conference, Vienna, Austria (www.eacd2014.org), 3-5 July 2014
- Bert Steenbergen, Peter Wilson, Dido Green, & Pauline Aarts – The application of motor imagery training in cerebral palsy and developmental coordination disorder (instructional course)
- Marijtje Jongsma, Anouk Sangen, Marjolein Baas, Pauline Aarts, Ruud van der Lubbe, Ruud Meulenbroek & Bert Steenbergen – Event-related potentials elicited in a motor imagery task in children with unilateral CP reveal motor imagery capacity with respect to the unaffected but not the affected hand (poster presentation)
- van Hulst, K., Baker L., Jongerius, P., van der Burg J. - Drooling in cerebral palsy: Multidisciplinary management and research findings from the Australian and Dutch saliva control teams (presentatie)
- Femke van Abswoude – Reducing errors during practice can enhance motor skill learning in young individuals with cerebral palsy (presentation)
- Ingar Zielinski – Spatial attention deficits as possible explanation for developmental disregard in unilateral cerebral palsy (presentation)
- Maaike van Rooijen – Early numeracy and arithmetic performance in children with cerebral palsy: are the same or different factors predictive? (presentation)
- Jessica Lust – General and motor imagery ability in children with Cerebral Palsy (presentation)

Legel, M., The use of Film in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Presentation, Visual Research Methods congres, University of  Neuchatel, Zwitserland (http://www.metlab.ch/Conference ), June 20th 2014.

Steenbergen, B. (2014). De toepassing van impliciet leren. Gastlezing op symposium over impliciet motorisch leren en stimuleren van bewegen. Heerlen, Hogeschool Zuyd, May 16th 2014.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M.W.G., & Steenbergen B. Inspiring Infancy. Poster presentation: Implicit and explicit sequence learning in children born very preterm. Groningen, the Netherlands,15-17 May.

Casteren, E.A.M. Participating through sports and a training protocol for implicit/explicit learning in sports and physical education. EASS conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 9th 2014.

Steenbergen, B. & Hilhorst, J.E.C. Workshop on how children learn sport competencies on the yearly ‘Day of sports’ in the city of Nijmegen. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, May 9th 2014.

De Vaan, G., Vervloed, M.P.J., Knoors, H., & Verhoeven, L. Diagnosing Autism in People with Multiple Disabilities. Extended talk presented at the ninth workshop on Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Reasoning, Lüneburg, Germany, April 2014.

Vervloed, M. An augmented knight's castle to improve social 
interaction and play in children with visual impairment, Vision 2014, 
The 11th International Conference on Low Vision. Melbourne, Australia, April 2nd 2014.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M. Presentation Dutch Neonatal Follow-up(LNF) symposium, Implicit and explicit sequence learning in children born very preterm. Nijmegen, the Netherlands, March 21st 2014.

M. Jongsma, A. Sangen, C. M. Baas, P. B. M. Aarts, R. H. J. van der Lubbe, 
R. G. J. Meulenbroek, B. Steenbergen. Poster presentation: P557 Event-Related Potentials Elicited in a Motor Imagery Task in Children with Unilateral CP Reveal Motor Imagery Capacity with respect to the Unaffected, but not the Affected Hand. 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the IFCN (abstract book), Berlin, Germany, 20-23 March 2014

C. M. Baas, B. Steenbergen, P. Aarts, R. van der Lubbe, A. M. van Cappellen 
van Walsum, T. van Rijn, M. Jongsma. Poster presentation: Effects of mCIMT-BiT intervention in unilateral Cerebral Palsy: Hemispheric dominance of motor control of the affected hand influences 
outcome of treatment. 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the IFCN (abstract book), Berlin, Germany, 20-23 March 2014

Legel, M., Films as AAC tool in Storytelling; introduction project ‘My Film, My Story”, Lecture, Children’s hospital Erasmus MC, neurology, Rotterdam, March 18th 2014.

Legel, M.,Films as AAC tool in Storytelling: Project My Film, My Story, Presentation, Congres E-Revalidatie, Haagse Hogeschool http://disabilitystudies.nl/symposium-e-revalidatie-blik-op-de-toekomst-dinsdag-11-maart-2014), Den Haag, March 11th 2014.

Steenbergen, B.. Recent research outcomes and their impact on therapy. Invited lecture on World CP Initiative conference. Amsterdam, March 6th 2014.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Spruijt, S. & Steenbergen, B. The (a)typical development of motor imagery: Neural correlates and therapeutic applications.Presentatie voor 'Brain and Cognition: an Integrated Approach'. Utrecht, February 27th 2014.

Jongsma, MLA: Invited lecture: Cognitive aspects of motor behaviour in (a)typically developing children: An EEG approach. Centre for systems Neuroscience, University of Leicester, UK, February 21th 2014.

Smits-Engelsman, B., Adams, I.L.J.. 'Motor imagery training - hoe doe je dat?', DCD Congres Avans+, de Reehorst, Ede, the Netherlands, January 25th 2014.


Lectures and conferences 2013

Presentations at 11th Motor control and human skill conference, Melbourne, Australie, 27 till 29-11-2013.
- Steenbergen, B. (keynote lecture). 'Let's go Dutch! Do we need 50% fundamental and 50% applied research in motor control?
- Noten, M., Wilson, P., Ruddock, S. & Steenbergen, B. 'Motor planning and motor imagery in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder'.
- Spruijt, S., Jongsma, M., van der Kamp, J., Steenbergen, B. 'Age differences in motor imagery ability on a hand laterality task in typically developing children.'
- Zielinski, I. M., Steenbergen, B. Baas C. M., Aarts P. B. M., Jongsma, M. 'Developmental Disregard in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy: An Event-Related Potential study.'
(more information)

Jongsma, MLA. Joining the scientific meeting "PACE Approach, New tools for 
an integrated and developmental approach of Cerebral Palsy and other complex 
brain pathologies". Paris, France, 29-11-2013.

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M. 'Motor imagery in DCD'. Workshop bij DCD-beleidsconferentie 2013, Groot Klimmendaal, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 29-11-2013.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Baas, C.M., Aarts, P.B.M., Rijn, C.M., Steenbergen, B. 'Effects of mCIMT-BiT intervention in unilateral CP: Hemispheric dominance of motor control of the affected hand influences outcome of treatment'. Oral presentation at VRA Annual Congress 2013 Rehabilitation Medicine, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 1-11-2013.
(more information)

Steenbergen, B. 'Advances in motor control research: Implications for rehabilitation.' CP teaching, Melbourne, Australia, 26-10-2013.
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van der Burg, J. 'Drooling'. Instructional course in collaboration with Dinah Reddihough during the AACPDM, 67th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 16 till 19-10-2013.
(more information)

Steenbergen, B. 'Action and cognition: Motor imagery'. Invited lecture at 'Annual meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD), Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 10 till 12-10-2013.

Aarts, P., Steenbergen, B., Baas, M., van Rijn, T. & Jongsma, M. 'Collecting EEG data from children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy: - from fundamental research towards clinical applications'. Poster presentation at the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD), Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 10 till 12-10-2013.

Jongsma, M. ´Experimental design of ERP studies. ERP Workshop: Theoretical guidelines for researchers new to ERPs´. Poster presentation at BSI Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 30 September – 1 October 2013. 

Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J., Steenbergen, B.. 'Motor imagery and motor planning in children with DCD'. Invited talk, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, European Master Health and Physical Activity, Groningen, the Netherlands, 25-9-2013.

Paclab International colloquium, Leeds, UK, 18-19 September 2013
- Adams, I.L.J., Lust, J.M., Wilson, P.H. en Steenbergen, B. ´Motor imagery and motor planning in DCD´.
Van Rooijen, M., Mon-Williams, M., Giles, O., Sheridan, R., Waterman, A. & Steenbergen, B. ´The development of the mental number line: preliminary results of a novel task. 
- Spruijt, S., Jongsma, M., van der Kamp, J. en Steenbergen, B. ´Development of imagery strategies on a hand laterality judgement task in children.´
- Steenbergen, B. ´Action and cognition: motor imagery.´
- Zielinski, I., Jongsma, M., Steenbergen, B. ´Unravelling ‘Developmental Disregard’ in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy - An EEG approach,´

van Rooijen, M., Mon-Williams, M., Giles, O., Sheridan, R. & Steenbergen, B. 'The development of a mental number line in primary school children: influence of motor proficiency'. CogDev 2013: BPS Developmental and Cognitive Sections Joint Conference 2013, Reading, United Kingdom, 4 till 6-09-2013.
(more information)

Jongsma, M.L.A. International summer school Neuropsychology, 5 lectures; 5 workshops; 5 tutorials; 1.5 dag seminar; exam. UNIKA-Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang, Indonesia, 15 till 28-08-2013
(more information)

Noten, M., Wilson, P., & Steenbergen, B. 'The relation between motor planning and motor imagery skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder'. 10th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder, Ouro Preto, MG Brazil, 28-6-2013 till 1-7-2013.
(more information)

Van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., & Steenbergen, B.'Numeracy development of children: the influence of motor and cognitive factors'. Invited talk, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom. 24-4-2013.

Legel, M. Film based story telling as augmentative and alternative communication method(FaOC). Lecture on invitation Simea 2013, Lunteren, Nederland, 11 till 12-4-2013.

Legel, M. Film based story telling as augmentative and alternative communication method(FaOC) within special education, Maastricht, Nederland, 6-3-2013

Lectures and conferences 2012

esentation at international workshop in Nijmegen in collaboration with the university of Caen (France) and the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 12 till 14-12-2012.
Jongsma, M.L.A. Motor imagery - methodological issues in collecting EEG data in children 
Spruijt, S. Motor imagery development in typically developing children: mental rotation of hands
Van Rooijen, M. The influence of cognitive and motor factors on numeracy development of children.
Zielinski, I. 'Developmental Diregard' in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: an EEG approach

Steenbergen, B. Appropriate education and revalidation, the future is now! Invited lecture, Scheper Hospital, Emmen, The Netherlands, 18-10-2012.

Van Rooijen, M. Verhoeven, L. & Steenbergen, B. Which cognitive and motor affect the early numeracy performance of children with cerebral palsy? International conference on cerebral palsy, Pisa, Italy, October 2012.

Legel, M. Presentation & workshop FaOC, ISAAC-NF, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 11 till 12-10-2012.

Legel, M. Presentation FaOC, BOSK jubileum dag, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 06-10-2012.

Legel, M. Presentation FaOC and special education, stichting BOOR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 05-10-2012.

Legel, M. Presentation 'movies & speech therapy', Fontys Hogeschool, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 03 t/m 09-10-2012.

Legel, M. Presentation FaOC, ISAAC 2012, Pittsburgh, US, 01-08-2012.

van Hulst, K. & van der Burg, J. Logopaedic diagnosis and behavioural therapy of salivating. Workshop at symposium 'Over Dosis'of the 'Central Orgaan Bijzondere Tandheelkunde' (COBIJT), The Netherlands, 29-09-2012.

Legel, M. Movies & presentation Rett syndroom, HoutenThe Netherlands, 28-09-2012

Hilhorst, J. Implementation of human movement-programs in mbo-schools 2008-2012, Annual day of sport research in the Netherlands, The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-09-2012.

Hilhorst, J. Psychosocial processes in sport as driver of socio-emotional development of youth, 'European College of Sport Science' Congress Brugge, Belgium, 07-07-2012.

Steenbergen, B. 'Motor control and learning: Fundamental research and clinical rehabilitation'. Invited lecture at Victoria University melbourne, Australia, 28-06-2012.

Steenbergen, B. 'Impaired motor planning and motor imagery in children with Cerebral Palsy'. Invited lecture at the 'Royal Children's hospital Melbourne', Australia, 27-06-2012.

Steenbergen, B. 'Motor control and motor learning'. Invited lecture for masterclass at conference: 'Controle moteur, imagerie motrice en rehabilitation du geste de l'enfant atteint de paralysie cerebrale.' L'Universite de Caen Basse- Normandie, France, 06-06-2012.

Steenbergen, B. 'Cerebral Palsy and rehabilitation: new insights from cognitive neuropsychology'. Invited lecture for masterclass at conference: 'Controle moteur, imagerie motrice et rehabilitation du geste de lénfant atteint de paralysie cerebrale.' L'Universite de Caen Basse- Normandie, France, 06-06-2012.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Aarts, P.B.M., Baas, C.M., & Steenberegen, B. EEG and Event-Related Potentials research with children suffering from unilateral Cerebral Palsy - possibilities for research and diagnosis. Symposium: New perspectives for movement-activation of arm and hand in cerebral palsy, Sint Martineskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 29-05-2012.

Houwink, A., Geerdink, Y.A., Steenbergen, B., Geurts, A.C.H., Aarts, P.B.M. Assessment of upper-limb capacity, performance and developmental disregard with the VOAA-DD-R in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Poster at the congress of the 'European Academy of Childhood Disability', Istanbul, Turkey, 16 t/m 19-05-2012.

Jongsma, M.L.A., Aarts, P.B.M., Baas, C.M., & Steenbergen, B. Developmental Disregard: an ERP approach, poster at the congress of the 'European academy of Childhood Disability', at the Harbiye Cultural Centre & Military Museum Istanbul, Turkey, 16 t/m 19-05-2012.

Van Rooijen, M., Verhoeven, L., Smits, D.-W., Ketelaar, M., Becher, J.G. & Steenbergen, B. The influence of cognitive predictors on the development of arithmetic performance of primary-school  children with a cerebral palsy. European Association of Childhood Disabilities, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 t/m 19-05-2012.

Steenbergen, B. Impaired motor planning and motor imagery in children with cerebral palsy. Invited lecture at conference: 'Mastery of manual skills' UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands, 19 t/m 21-04-2012.

Jongbloed-Perboom, M., Spruit, S., Steenbergen, B., & Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. Measurement of action planning: Comparison of the sword task and the dowel placing task in three different age groups. 'Mastery of manual skills' UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands, 17 t/m 19-04-2012.

Spruijt, S., van der Kamp, J., & Steenbergen,B. Applying motor imagery training to promote motor performance in children: What can we learn from typically developing children? 'Mastery of manual skills' UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands, 17 t/m 19-04-2012.

Steenbergen, B. The 'Mytyl'-education. invited openings lecture at conference of anniversary, Mytylschhol Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 25-02-2012.

Steenbergen, B. Compromised upper limb control in Cerebral Palsy: The role of cognitive rehabilitation. Invited lecture University of Gent, Belgium, 03-02-2012.

Steenbergen, B. Rehabilitation of compromised upper limb control in Cerebral Palsy: Using the action and cognition relation. Invited lecture, University of Gent, Belgium, 03-02-2012.

Steenbergen, B. Future of special education. Invited lecture, 50 years Mytylschool Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 25-01-2012.

Steenbergen, B. Research and practice. Invited lecture at the LVC3 tweedaagse, Cuijk, The Netherlands, 19 t/m 20-012-2012.

Invited lectures, LVC3, Cuijk, The Netherlands, 19-01-2012:
Steenbergen, B. Research and Practice.
Jongsma, M.L.A. Developmental Disregard: an ERP approach.
Van Rooijen, M. Arithmetic performance of children with cerebral palsy in special education.
Spruijt, S. Improvement of motor skills by mental training.
Houwink, A. Why is 'ability' not the same as 'performance' for chldren with unilateral CP?
Jongbloed-Perboom, M. Implicit and explicit motor learning in children.


Lectures and conferences 2011

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Mind moving the body? Invited lecture, CongoCongres, 14 december, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Scientific developments IV: Physical eduction and implicit learning. Invited lecture, Hét Congres, 24-25 november, Papendal, The Netherlands.

Van Rooijen, M. (2011). Early numeracy and arithmetic performance of children with a cerebral palsy: implications for special education. Invited lecture, Hét Congres, 24-25 november, Papendal, The Netherlands.

Jongsma M.L.A. (2011). Workshop EEG: Single- versus Dual Tasks related to sustained attention in traffic. Symposium Brein op Weg, LEF future center Rijkswaterstaat. Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Invited lectures, Dutch Academy for Childhood Disabilities, october 2011, Nijmegen, The Netherlands:
Van Rooijen, M. Arithmetic performance of children with a cerebral palsy.
Jongbloed-Pereboom, M. Implicit and explicit learning in children.
Houwink, A. Why is ‘ability’ not the same as ‘performance’ for children with a unilateral CP?
Jongsma, M. EEG characteristics of Motor Imagery - mapping the typical and Atypical development of motor imagery in children 5-10 years.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Scientific research and special education: A matter of endurance. Invited lecture at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Mytylschool Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Houwink, A. (2011). Why is ‘ability’ not the same as ‘performance’ after a stroke? Presentation given at the ‘EXPLICIT’ symposium, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Learning in motion. Invited lecture at the national study day of the ‘Onderwijsspecialisten’, Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Martins, I.C. , Oliveira, A. M. & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Mental imagery in Cerebral Palsy Individuals. Presentation at “ECP 2011”, Istanbul, Turkey.

Martins, I.C. , (2011). The fox and the stork: reflection on inclusive approaches in SEN. Invited lecture. Oliveira de Frades, Portugal.

Martins, I.C. , Oliveira, A. M. & Steenbergen, B. (2011). Mental Imagery and dynamical representations in Cerebral Palsy individuals: is there a link? Poster presented at “Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology”, Coimbra, Portugal.

Steenbergen, B., Jongbloed-Pereboom, M., van Rooijen, M. & ter Horst, A.C. (2011). Motor learning and motor planning, Invited lectures,Cean University, France.

Jongbloed-Pereboom, M. (2011). Motor learning and working memory in children born preterm. Presentation given at the National Symposium Neonatal follow-up, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Motor disorders in cerebral palsy: An internal model deficit? Invited colloquium, University of Leeds, Institute of Psychological Sciences, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Steenbergen, B. (2011). Recent insights in movement deviations in cerebral palsy. Invited colloquium, Queen’s University, School of Psychology, Belfast, Ireland.

Pijnacker, J. (2011). Cumulative reading training for older adults with visual impairments due to acquired brain injuryPoster presented at ‘Vision 2011’, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Pijnacker, J. (2011). Reading training for people with age-related macular degeneration: An overview of effective rehabilitation programs. Poster presented at ‘Vision 2011’, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lectures and conferences 2010

Crajé, C., Aarts, P., Nijhuis-Van der Sanden, M., & Steenbergen, B. (2010). Development of action planning in children with (and without) CP. Workshop at the symposium ‘Arm- en Handfunctie’, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Upper limb control in Cerebral Palsy: The intricate relation between action and cognition. Invited presentation at ‘De toekomst van CIMT’, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Houwink, A. (2010). Why is capacity not the same as performance in children with unilateral cerebral palsy? Presentation at the symposium ‘De toekomst van CIMT’, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B., ter Horst, A.C., Jongbloed-Pereboom, M. (2010). Movement disorders, education and rehabilitation. Invited workshop organizer and introducer. Keypoint conference, Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Activities of daily living and education in children with movement disabilities: Challenges for intervention. Invited lecture on opening conference of ZOOM-IN, Werkenrode, Groesbeek, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). The design of a maquette for people who are blind or have an impaired vision: the role of memory processes. Invited lecture symposium ‘Het maquette project’, Stichting Geluid in Zicht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Pijnacker, J. (2010). Effectiveness of a cumulative reading training: Study of a new method for adults with acquired brain injury. Poster presented at ‘InZicht Ontmoetingsdag 2010’, Ede, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Rehabiliation of upper limb functionality after an ‘upper-motorneuron’ syndrome (cerbral palsy): recent insights from cognitive neuroscience. Invited lecture conference of Dutch Society for Neural Rehabilitation, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Houwink, A. (2010). Stroke Upper Limb Capacity Scale: A new instrument for simple to complex arm- and hand capacities after a stroke. Invited lecture conference of Dutch Society for Neural Rehabilitation, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. ter Horst, A.C., Jongbloed-Pereboom, M. (2010). Recent insights into planning disorders in Cerebral Palsy. Invited workshop at the conference of the Dutch Academy of Childhood Disabilities (DACD), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Ter Horst, A.C. (2010). Movement at the cognitive level. Presentation at the symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy.

Houwink, A. (2010). Upper limb training following stroke: Why is ‘ability’ not the same as‘ performance’? Poster presented at the symposium ‘Zichtbaar bewogen’, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). The brain, behaviour and motor rehabilitation after a stroke. Invited lecture, ‘Nieuwe Eper Sociëteit’, Ede, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Motor imagery in Cerebral Palsy: a potential add-on to rehabilitation. Invited lecture, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Rehabilition and psychology. Invited lecture at the ‘experience your future’ days (SpiN en SPS-NIP). Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Motor impairment, education, working memory and learning to read and to do mathLecture given for the parents of students from educational sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Van der Burg, J. (2010). ‘Simply particpate? Psychosocial care structure in special education 'cluster 3'. Lecture for the Invitational conference ‘Gewoon Meedoen?’ of the National Innovation Platform Pediatric Rehabilitation ('Link'), Huizen, 3 februari 2010.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Implicit and explicit learning. Lecuture at the opening of the new kitchen/reception and shop of the school for special education ‘Ariane de Ranitz’, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Building bridges between research and education in special education ‘cluster 3’. Invited lecture at the national conference ‘Kinderrevalidatie op het goede spoor’, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Conceptual movement analyses. Invited lecture, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2010). Motor imagery training in CP. Invited workshop, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Lectures and conferences 2009

Crajé, C., Aarts, P., Nijhuis-Van de Sanden, M., & Steenbergen, B. (2009). Does Constraint Induced Movement Therapy affect action planning in youg children with Cerebral Palsy? Presentation given at the winter conference of the Dutch Psychonomics Society, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

Van der Burg, J. (2009). Impact of drooling and behavioral therapy. Lecture for the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam ('ACTA'), The Netherlands.

Crajè, C., Aarts, P., Nijhuis-Van de Sanden, M., & Steenbergen, B. (2009). Do pirates have better action planning? The effect of CIMT on motor planning. Poster presented at the Symposium 'Zichtbaar bewogen', Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2009). What is needed within special education? Invited lecture for teh association for chronic ill and handicapped individuals ('CG Raad'). Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Houwink, A. (2009). The assessment of cognitive load of stroke patients during an arm task. Poster presented at the conference 'Progress in Motor Control 2009', Marseille, France.

Steenbergen, B. (2009). Motor Planning in CP: What's in it for the brain? Invited lecture at the National conference for Neuropsychology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Steenbergen, B. (2009). Upper limb rehabilitation in CP: Is MI-training an option? Invited lecture, University of Leuven, Belgium.

Steenbergen, B. (2009). Mental movements: an additionl technique for rehabilitation of teh upper extremities? Invited lecture at teh smposium "Het leren van motorische vaardigheden binnen de revalidatie behandeling". Heliomare, Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands.